Sunday, January 30, 2011


这班朋友里,其中的两个男的,甲先生乙先生 , 是我今天想讲的。
在某些偶然情况下,我跟这位甲先生 会一起做一些些很普通的东东,但被这班朋友看到了,当然乙先生 也看到,于是乙先生 就好奇的问我 我跟甲先生 的关系 (以为我们在。。),当然我说大家误会了。

第二天,乙先生 也再问,我也再说是个误会。过会又碰巧被他们撞见,乙先生又问,我也再次解释。终于,在隔天,乙先生 又问时,我心里不耐烦了,于是撒了一点点谎,我说 “是啦 是啦”,他问 “跟'他'吗?”, 我说 “是啦,是'他' 啦”,怎知,他竟马上相信了!完完全全的相信!你说,好笑吗?我何时说谎过?我一直跟他说实话,可他就是不信,撒点谎,就信的十足。。

人啊,说了些你认为看到的就是事实的话,就相信,反而实话就不能接受了吗? xD

Aeon Bukit Tinggi 超大只的兔子和萝卜桶!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

突然我就很想写我的部落格 了,把所有的一切都放在这里。。。不带去第二天。。。


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I know, I still owe you one post since 2 months ago. I'm now here to fulfill it. LOL

Actually I'd really have nothing else to tell. I'm not like some other people, I won't let the past torture my mind. What's in my mind only have how to make life happier and happier. Yeah I know, the point for this post should be wrote about something. Be patient to read ya... :D

What I wish for, is hard to get. So it end up with nothing. Some people says they let it go naturally, they believe in fate, while some others said efforts taken is the key to get it. Well for me, sure I won't make any first step first, I'm not those initiative type of girl eh! Haha! But, I will do something if I seen their sincerity with the right feeling. But too bad, I encountered some bad things in the past year. What else can say? What else can blame? What else can rescue? Haha, just let the past pass. Such thinking might not a good attitude, but who cares?

Somehow, those sweet memories will still keep playing in my mind. Heart is grieved when I found out myself is no longer important to him anymore... But the sadness will only remained for few minutes. Haha! Well, many things are unpredictable! Lots surprises are awaiting us! Cheers! :)
Super addicted to Rabbit recently! Hello it's Rabbit year!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


已经上班第三个星期了。。这两天才开始学写程序,本来一心报着去学 ‘ 找瓦’ 和其他东东,没想到遇到瓶颈。。因为真的很难,也许是Fang 和 Jothan 说的 所谓的 “起头难”。。其他人全部都会做,只有我一直在摸头,全部师兄师姐,只有我一个新人。。我觉得他们刚进的时候都不会像我那么差吧。。。

这两天我都迟回,昨天8点回,今天7点多回。不时因为我做不完工,而是因为我不会做,检查来检查去都做不出来,一直要坐隔壁的师兄帮。。。我多不好意思啊!我问了几次就不敢问了,要不是他们看我还不回家,问我怎么了,我看我得做到天亮。。不知他们会发火吗,因为我实在太差了。 XD 不好意思!!!


2011年1月1号凌晨拍的!2011年的第一张照片! :)